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[git] pull & push 명령어

by beeny-ds 2022. 8. 12.

1. git 활용법: git에 있는 코드를 수정하고 다시 git에 넣고 싶을 때 (push)

2. push process
    a. Clone to server: $git clone~~
    b. Select your branch: $cd path > $git checkout ["branch_name"] (to know which branch: $git status)
    c. Make change.. modify, edit, delete, add..
    d.Committogit:$git pull > $git add . > $git commit -m "message to commit" > $git push

3. git에 push 후 test하고 싶을 때
    a. install: $pip install git+url
    b. run ...

